Raúl and James share with us the community organising perspective on power. Living on Eora Country Raul is studying a Bachelor of Arts and Law at Sydney University and worships at Leichhardt Uniting Church. Also living on Eora Country, James recently graduated from a Bachelor of International Global Studies and now works for Shelter NSW a non-government, not-for-profit organisation which promotes the housing interests of people on low incomes.
Community Organising: Rethinking PowerRaúl and James share with us the community organising perspective on power. Living on Eora Country Raul is studying a Bachelor of Arts and Law at Sydney University and worships at Leichhardt Uniting Church. Also living on Eora Country, James recently graduated from a Bachelor of International Global Studies and now works for Shelter NSW a non-government, not-for-profit organisation which promotes the housing interests of people on low incomes #CSUClimateFest #UnitingEarth #NSWACTSynod #UnitngChurch #Allofthisisus #SydneyAlliance
Posted by Christian Students Uniting on Saturday, August 29, 2020
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