On 3rd September, some of us from Christian Students Uniting had the pleasure of attending Pulse’s Young Adult Gathering. Pulse is a state-wide organisation tasked with engaging people in their “first third of life” in the Uniting Church. It was wonderful to build community with other young people from different congregations across Sydney, and to reflect together on what it means to be “more like Jesus”. I was asked to perform a poem in response to the Bible readings shared on the night, meditating on the cost of discipleship:
more than the sand
Gabi Cadenhead
after Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 and Luke 14:25-33
we count our blessings
from a God who made us
in fear and wonder:
a God who knows
the curve of every thought
before we speak;
who binds together
our past, our present, our future,
and holds us close;
a God whose mind
is so vast we cannot
comprehend it.
we count the cost
of God’s kingdom come:
familial bonds
that may not last
the journey;
everyday comforts
forsaken for this
endless pilgrimage;
the weight of state
violence slung, wooden,
over our shoulders.
we count and they are
more than the sand:
these ways in which
an inescapable God
knows us and makes
Themselves known;
this call to lay aside
all that we possess
and to love all else less
than this road,
this person of Jesus
and the claim
he has made
upon our lives.
we carry nothing
but a cross and faith
that this road
will return us
to God’s own womb,
no longer any distance
between us.
To accompany this poem, some blessings for the road by UK-based trans poet Jay Hulme:
Beatitudes for a Queerer Church
Jay Hulme
Blessed are the outcasts;
the ostracised, the outsiders.
Blessed are the scared;
the scarred, the silent.
Blessed are the broken;
for they are not broken.
Blessed are the hated;
for they are not worthy of hate.
Blessed are those who try;
those who transform, who transition.
Blessed are the closeted;
God sees you shine anyway.
Blessed are the queers;
who love creation enough to live the truth of it,
despite a world that tells them they cannot.
And blessed are those
who believe themselves unworthy of blessing;
what inconceivable wonders you hold.
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